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Image by Tatiana Colhoun
Image by pure julia

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Child & Pet Friendly Plants Winter Decoration Worthy!

Pumpkins, Exit! Stage Left!

New month...New Season...New Holidays...NEW DECORATIONS!

Winter Gnomes

First, the confession! My adventure didn’t start purely out of holiday spirit!

A little, well, maybe a tiny bit more than a little... But mostly because I spotted

the most darling winter figurines in a neighbor's yard a few streets over!

You see, my inherent Virgo compulsiveness ordinarily has all things related to any recently concluded event cleaned, organized, categorized and packed neatly away with exact labeling no later than the following sunset of said event. Followed, ordinarily, by an immediate (now in season) staging of a few initial items to serve as placers until I can get to the rest of the décor en masse.

However, there are rare times a mischievous pixie makes its way into my garden and leads me astray! I have amusingly decided this to be the culprit for my presently overstayed harvest-hued guests and the lingering scents of nutmeg and clove.

Meanwhile, the sighting of adorable lawn ornaments and a little holiday spirit has brought about my adventure at large. A hurried (but still neat and properly labeled) packing away of anything pumpkin related to make room for new winter tones and warm gingerbread smells! And, naturally, new season aligned plants!

As a maternal earth sign, plants are inevitably my root of decorations from which all else blooms with children and animals always taken into consideration.

This in mind, here are three personally favored decorative (season-appropriate) plants that are also child and pet friendly!



Known to be non-toxic for children and pets alike.

Though not considered poisonous, advisement should still be taken when deciding on placement so that it not be ingested as it can cause irritation and sickness.

*Special Note! Be mindful to make sure the soil it is planted in is also non-toxic!

Echeveria makes for a great indoor decorative during the winter season provided it's given ample indirect sunlight. Soil depth and sizes are pretty minimal making it countertop and desk friendly. Most varieties are not difficult to find and fairly inexpensive.

This low-maintenance flowering succulent comes in a variety of naturally unique rosette designs and colors perfect for the holidays!

Feel free to be choosy and mix/match at will!

It’s a substantially large genus of plants with over a hundred species to choose from!

Not to mention, Echeveria comes inclusive of air purifying benefits!

Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)

Boston Fern

Known to be non-toxic for children and pets alike.

Though not considered poisonous, advisement should still be taken when deciding on placement so that it not be ingested as it can cause irritation and sickness.

*Special Note! Be mindful to make sure the soil it is planted in is also non-toxic!

An interesting slow-growing evergreen plant that prefers warmth and humidity making it a reasonable option for inside holiday decoration.

It is relatively easy to find and to care for.

Growth can vary but I personally assume a “rule of three” with indoor ferns (At maturation a possible minimum of three feet in height, width and frond length). Indoor potting choice is each their own preference. Though hanging planters seem to work better for children, pets, and the plant itself, since the plant can freely grow and the fronds are able to breath and dangle away from little hands, mouths and all general foot traffic.

Fun note! Mini ornaments add fabulous holiday spirit to ferns!


(variety C. Japonica, Sasanqua and Sinensis)


All parts are known to be non-toxic for children and pets alike.

This relative of the tea plant is actually edible! (Camellia sinensis) is quite appropriately known for making tea!

*Special Note! Be mindful to make sure the soil it is planted in is also non-toxic!

This tough flowering evergreen shrub serves as an excellent outdoor winter décor option. It flaunts holiday perfect petals of red, white and pink, and is known to enjoy/endure cold temperatures. However, potting this beauty in a planter and placing somewhere alee is best. This lessens the chances of damage from frost and direct cold breezes. Likewise, being potted helps if the to need transfer indoors arises. (Notate when moving indoors this plant’s environmental preferences include temp degrees between freezing and somewhere in the fifties with partial shade.)

Camellia is a moderate-low maintenance plant available in most local nurseries for reasonable cost. Even more so during the latter part of year since its lengthy blooming season begins mid-fall. Just in time for this beautiful and beneficial plant to be winter decoration ready!

With harvest stowed and winter décor taking the stage, it is now time for an intermission!

For now, well wishes and happy decorating!

-Elise's Adventures In Herbaland

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