Grab some Mugwort!
Today’s sunset starts Samhain (pronounced sah-win),
the Witches New Year!
Also, All Hallows' Eve, All Saints' Eve or Halloween! And for those who like to extend to the three-day celebration, All Hallows Tide. Whichever your choosing of celebration, Mugwort is a respected fit for each as we adventure into the new circle from this time of harvest and light into the time of dark (Winter Solstice).
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris), or Cronewort for means of Samhain, is an herb believed to be magical in folklore for protecting one against evil spirits. Perfect for an occasion of such ghostly caliber.
And since it is considered an invasive species, there should be no short supply to go round, leaving the common methods of using Mugwort abundant for all.
Common methods of use include by incense, smudging, burning, and carrying/tying a small sachet with/to you.
Native to Europe as well as East Asia, this perennial family member of the daisy, was brought here to North America via missionaries in the 1500’s and has been used medicinally by many (including the Native Americans and the Aztecs whom considered the herb as sacred) for thousands of years (naming a few) for possibly assisting with insomnia, stress, digestion, menstruation, weight loss, blood circulation/pressure, and folklore includes mention of hair growth.
Other uses include being employed as a natural insect repellent and, though somewhat bitter in taste, also interwoven into culinary use as the roots, young shoots and leaves are edible.
(*As always, please consult your health care provider before use , you should not use if pregnant or nursing
*And a note that Mugwort should be of caution to those with ragweed allergens)
In wrapping things up, Mugwort is an overall year-round useful herb but also a wonderfully fun herb associated with magic, demons, goddesses and brews that undeniably is most appropriate for witching you a happy and safe holiday!
-Elise's Adventures In Herbaland