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Savor the Season with this Winter Herb!

Winter Savory

Winter Savory

(Satureja montana)

There are inate times that one simply must venture outside the metaphorical "box" and savor that which lies beyond the norm. Lest one become fodder for the ever looming hunger of monotony!

And so began my day's wintry herbal adventure!

It came betwixt the initial thought of how amazing a soul-warming crock of potato soup would be for dinner and the final all day lull that would ultimately fill every room in the house with the most extraordinary aroma!

To be more precise it truly began with a long (and I must say most unenthused) stare at my everyday "go-to" culinary herb/spice adds.

Alas (complete with accompanying sigh) it was one of those blah moments that called for something different.....something more.

Without disappointment that something "more" would soon present itself.

An earthy complex flavored herb I have personally settled on as a subtle yet potent mexican oregano-thyme-sage-like mix with a hint of mint (and even a whisper of pine).

A kind of multi-faceted herb all packed up and delivered by way of a precious little jar with a scribbled label that appropriately read Winter Savory!

Perfect! Not only a change up for the tastebuds but also an aromatic herb known for its stay power over long cook times. So bonus for my crock pot potato soup!!

(And just for sheer mention. This little treasure find resulted only after a twenty minute venture into the unequivocal pantry land of the lost! Or more commonly known as the very very very bottom shelves and the way waaaay back corners where all pantry things go to

hibernate out of sight and out of mind in cool darkness to await their day of reawakening! Which generally tends to arise when one ultimately has said blah moment, a new recipe or an overall spring cleaning urge!)

Ramble achieved! Now onward with the treasure find of the day's adventure!

Winter Savory (Satureja montana)

A flowering evergreen shrub kin to mint and similar-looking to Rosemary but only standing at about a foot high. And though a Mediterranean native with the likes of a warm climate the also cold-hardy perennial Winter Savory (Satureja montana) is a most choice herb for winter!

Not to mention that if one throws in its incredible list of culinary, medicinal, home remedy, garden companion, decorative uses etc. it's a good choice for anytime really!

Sourcing is fairly simple as well compliments of the variety of above stated uses.

Winter Savory can be found both in a variety of places and in form. From farmer markets, local grocers, nurseries, online amd more this multi use herb is available as seed, plant, essential oil, dehydrated, fresh, as a spice etc,

Growing this savory herb oneself is moderately easy. It makes for a terrific border and garden companion that is pollenator friendly and repellant to some pests. It is also known to possibly enhance its garden neighbors especially some vegetables.

Now looping back around to my initial quest. Let's talk Culinary! Winter Savory is an edible herb. I love how the versatility of Winter Savory makes it ideal for a host of recipe and food related uses.

Here in the South for example beans can pretty much be considered a household staple (with some even priding themselves on their secret recipe prize winning legumes). They are a good starter for where to add in a little earthy peppery robust Winter Savory. Furthermore, Winter Savory may possibly help with gastric issues making this little treasure a win win!

If beans aren't a fave, stews, soups, sauces, gravies, stuffings, vegetable dishes, potato dishes, salads and even cornbread are some other dishes (but still not all inclusive) to note. It truly is all up to the creator!

Think cider, nog and bold creamy desserts!

Winter Savory can also be used in preserving, marinading, rubs etc.

Moving on to Medicinal, Home Remedy and such.

*Please be sure to consult your health care provider before starting intake or use of any kind.

Winter Savory is noted as a natural antiseptic/astringent, anti-inflammatory and known to possibly help with areas concerning boosting immunity, healing the throat, helping overall digestion issues. It may help with joints, cramps and even stress.

It can be found in several forms for use including teas, tinctures, tonics, essential oils, and capsules.

More applications include being applied to insect stings for possible itch and inflamation relief.

Winter Savory also produces a spectacular aroma perfect for the winter season. Like a savory and spicy pine quite fitting of its name used in diffusers for fragrance, aromatherapy, and by having both a great smell and anti-septic properties it is commonly made into vinegar for overall general cleaning.

At the end of the day Winter Savory credits a worthy herb overall with the above mentioned being only a small insert of its many qulities and capabilities.

For now my adventure has come to a close and I am looking forward to a soul-warming bowl of delicious potato soup with that something different.. something more....

Winter Savory!

-Elise's Adventures In Herbaland ©

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